A blog created to dispel the many myths about the opposum . . . a much maligned creature of God.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Possum Play Dates

I can only think of two of God's living creatures I could kill without blinking an eye. One's a roach and the other's a mosquito. Rats, mice, moles, snakes and spiders (excepting, of course, black widows and brown recluses) fall under the heading of "things I would rather not cohabit with, and I'll be glad to escort them from the premises rather than kill them". Sometimes they have to be escorted with a great deal of finese. I coax spiders onto a piece of paper and throw them out. I grab daddy-long-legs by one leg and toss them out. Rats . . . well, I've never had the pleasure. I'm not sure how I'd handle it.

But that's just me. And I'm aware that there aren't too many like me. When I mention having raised possums, I get a lot of "eew"s. Especially from women.

I had two ladies drop in to visit me one day. While we sat and talked a spider crawled up the wall behind me. One lady screamed. My husband ran to the rescue, took off his shoe and did the poor creature in. (I held a memorial for it that evening . . . kidding.) The other lady excused herself to go to the bathroom. She screamed and came running back out, pointing toward the door. "A frog! A frog!"

We live in the country, so sometimes we see creatures in the house that city folk don't. But I swear, this is the first time, in all of my life, I've found a frog inside my house. There sat a little brown tree frog on the toilet seat, just as happy as a dead hog in the sunshine. I scooped it up in my hand and took it to the back door. As I passed through the living room, the ladies were collecting their purses and heading for the front door.

I put the little fellow outside on a tree, came back in, washed my hands, and walked outside to say good-bye. They were already in the car with the doors shut and windows up. I motioned for one to roll her window down, and she mouthed the words, "Where's the frog?"

Golly Gee! They haven't been back.

I said all that to say this. I wonder what would have happened had Soupy decided to take a stroll through the living room about that time?

Soupy had a friend. I met a lady who, like me, loves possums. She had one named Opie. He had to have been the most spoiled possum ever to live. He had a cage I think must have been designed for a tiger. She kept it at her place of business, so he could accompany her to work every day.  He traveled to and from work with her in a back-pack. He went on vacations. Been to Vegas among other places. Definitely more well-traveled than Soupy (or me).

I took Soupy by to visit a time or two. And I got Amy's permission to publish her picture with Opie. (See the bottom of the page.) Remember I promised to prove to you that all possums do not look alike. Notice that Opie and Soupy have very different features. I promise you, to this day, I could pick Soupy out of a passel of possums. And I'm sure Amy could do the same with Opie.

I heard that "Eewww!" Knock it off.


  1. great story lynne,loved it! i'm all too familiar with "eewwww's"! and you bet, i could pick out my boy for sure! thanks for posting the picture, it's one i haven't seen before. wasn't he lovely. they were both lovely!


  2. I enjoy your posts so much! We live in the country too, and you've inspired me to write about the woodpecker in the house. I think that'll be Monday's 777 Peppermint Place post!

    I'd never say "ewwww" to a possum--or frog or snake. But any bug big enough to cast a shadow is on my hit list!

  3. Linda - LOL about bugs casting shadows. Spooky! I'll be looking forward to your woodpecker post.

    Amy - I'll e-mail you that pic. I guess it was taken with my camera. I've got one of me holding Opie, also that I'll send IF you promise not to post it anywhere. Opie was looking at the camera, and was beautiful. I, on the other hand, had not worn any makeup that day! Ewww.

  4. lol! yes please! i would love to have the pics. and promise....i won't post it!
