Someone posted a picture of a possum on Facebook the other day, and I was appalled at the negative remarks that ensued. So, of course, I got involved. I posted Soupy's sweetest pic in retaliation. And I think I actually made a convert or two.
For those who insist that possums are mean, I'm posting a pic of two orphaned young'uns, trying to be tough. I promise you the little fellows were scared to death when this big human-being poked a camera in their faces. I'd have liked to take them out of their lair and petted on them a while.
I met them at a wonderful wildlife preserve/petting zoo that used to be on a mountaintop right out of Mena, Arkansas. A stone's throw from the Queen Wilhelmena Lodge. They've since moved, and I've kind of lost track of the amazing young man who owned it. I've heard he and his wife moved the animals into Mena, because it was an awesome chore to get up the mountain every day in the wintertime to care for the animals. And Thomas did love those animals.
He married his childhood sweetheart at 14 and was a grandfather at 34. He's a certified falconer, had special dispensation to keep an injured eagle, and spent many of his own dollars in treatment for the eagle, who'd been shot. He had a vulture (yes, an ugly old vulture) that he'd rescued as a chick, and it followed him around like a puppy dog. Also had vulture chicks. They are kinda cute and very fuzzy, if you can imagine that.
Birds flew from the trees to land on his shoulders. Just like Snow White! I took him a baby skunk one time, and six months later when I visited, the skunk was still wandering the grounds, and still in possession of his "defense weapon." (It had to be that way for him to be rehabilitated.) And "Flower" had never once tried to spray anyone.
Thomas had a huge bear named Harold, alligators (or were they crocodiles?) and poisonous snakes that he handled. (that's where I drew the line.) Of course, he wouldn't have let me handle them had I wanted to.
I took Squirrel Girl to live with Thomas when she became too restless to keep in our house. And he rehabbed her in record time. Moved her into a squirrel neighborhood where she was the only girl, and she immediately took command. Girls rule!
One winter, Thomas rehabbed a doe. She became attached to the other deer, and when he tried to turn her loose, she wouldn't leave. Because of Thomas, I've petted a vulture, several fawns, and a mountain lion. Actually, I kind of wrestled with the mountain lion. (See pic).
If you're ever in Mena, Arkansas, try to find Thomas Young, Arkansas Plant and Wildlife. A most interesting and knowledgeable young man. And charming, as well. He used to operate completely on donations. I hope he's doing well, and I hope I can make it up there again sometime in the near future.
Your pictures are so cute. Makes me almost want to have one. So, the next time I see a possum up in my tree I should not be concerned? What if I tried to coax him down for a pat on the head? Would he let me? I think I'll leave that to the experts. (smile)
ReplyDeleteYou have raised our awareness about another of God's creatures.
LOL. You definitely don't have to be concerned, he's not going to hurt anyone. As far as coaxing him down and petting him. Hmmm. Not so sure I'd go that far. He may bite out of fear. But he won't attack you. Did you read an earlier post where I confessed to having accidentally pet a wild possum? It's back a little ways. Anyway, the possum and I were both pretty surprised by the event.